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Your B2B Lead Generation Strategy Cheat-sheet


B2B lead generation is a vast and varied beast. There are tons of strategies that fit under the B2B lead generation umbrella, and choosing the right ones is a vital part of any lead gen campaign.

Our in-depth guide to B2B lead generation strategies introduces 32 tactics you can use in your campaigns.

But what if you want something a bit easier to digest?

Something you can print out and pass around the office. Or that you can incorporate into training sessions. Or maybe even stick on the wall above your desk to keep the best B2B lead generation strategies fresh in your mind.

Well, that’s what you have here.

Generating Leads with magnet

The concise guide to B2B lead generation strategies

We’ll skip the definitions, the statistics, the best practice, and the multiple reasons why you need to invest time and energy into your B2B lead gen. You can find those in our full guide.

Instead, we’ll jump straight into a list of strategies with one-sentence summaries of what they are and why they’re useful.

  1. Think BIG: A zoomed-out view shows the interconnected nature of the elements that make up a B2B lead generation campaign.
  2. Think small: Keeping the granular aspects in focus means that nothing important gets missed.
  3. Don’t try to do everything at once: You’ll get better results from implementing a few tactics well, than from trying to implement them all at the same time.
  4. Demonstrate your credentials: Trust is the bedrock of a prospect’s buyer journey, and there are multiple ways to showcase yours.
  5. Nail the technical SEO: A smooth web experience is another bedrock, so make sure your website is in top shape under the bonnet.
  6. Understand search intent: Prospects arrive at your site for a reason; your content and buyer journey should be configured to satisfy this fully.
  7. Understand keywords: The way people search determines the content they see, and they’ll find yours if you tailor it to the right keywords.
  8. Be mobile-friendly: In a world where an increasing slice of web traffic comes from mobile, your site needs to be keeping up.
  9. Have a strategic content schedule: A coordinated strategy built on content that serves specific purposes will deliver dividends.
  10. Post content externally: Make sure your voice is heard (or read, or watched) at the places where your target customers hang out online.
  11. Refresh old content: Everything on your site needs to be relevant and useful, meaning out-of-date content should be rejigged, repurposed, or removed.
  12. Make sure all content is live: Avoid drop-offs by preventing 404 errors or otherwise-interrupted user journeys on your site.
  13. Build topic clusters: This is the most logical and intuitive way to organise content and will facilitate a smooth user journey.
  14. Use internal links: Navigation needs to be logical and intuitive as well, and internal links are the best way to achieve this.
  15. Use strategic CTAs: Direct prospects to relevant commercial outcomes based on their intent and their location in the buyer journey.
  16. Grab prospects’ attention: Pop-ups and other attention-grabbers can entice users to engage when they are wavering when used sparingly.
  17. Use social media: Not every company needs to be present on every platform, but selective presences can broaden your reach and attract more prospects.
  18. Use LinkedIn: This is the social media platform for the B2B channel and has extensive advertising and content promotion opportunities.
  19. Use email marketing: Although overused, email allows intelligent and bespoke communication to guide prospects along their buyer journey.
  20. Create email templates: Reusing templates preserves human resource and ensures a consistent brand experience.
  21. Automate your email campaigns: Save time and energy with automated campaigns built on conditional logic to guide prospects to tailored CTAs.
  22. Personalise subject lines: Stand above competitors by sending personalised emails rather than generic ones.
  23. Personalise content: Really attract prospects’ attention by customising the content of their emails to reflect their specific needs and goals.
  24. Track your email campaigns: The data and insights will increase the effectiveness of future campaigns exponentially.
  25. Create email sequences: Don’t fire and forget - instead, curate tailored journeys for each prospect to guide them toward specific commercial outcomes.
  26. Comply with GDPR: The legislation around gathering and using data is more complicated than ever, and the risks of falling foul aren’t worth taking.
  27. Use live chat: This simple tool removes the chance of prospects getting stuck on your site without being able to find the information they need.
  28. Craft quality support pages: Resolving a prospect’s issue quickly and neatly will keep them on your site - and in your funnel - rather than them jumping ship.
  29. Manage your contacts: Keeping contact information up to date means that lead generation communications are better targeted and more efficient.
  30. Only get the information you need: Minimise the demands you place on prospects by only asking for the information you actually need to help them.
  31. Use paid ads: You can amplify the reach and visibility of all lead generation tactics with the deployment of carefully-created paid ads on the right platforms.
  32. Run a tight ship: Effective lead gen ultimately depends on an organised and disciplined team in-house!

Lead generation and brand awareness

Lead by example

There you have it: 32 lead-generation strategies you can implement right away.

Print that bad boy out and keep it on hand at all times. Or, you know, bookmark this page and read through it occasionally. That’s probably better for your street cred.

And remember this:

The exact combination and configuration of your lead gen campaign will depend on a few things -

  • The nature of your company.
  • The industry you work in.
  • Your campaign goals.
  • The products and services you offer.
  • The specific needs of your prospective buyers.
  • Your budget.
  • Your internal capacity.
  • The skillset of your team.
  • And so on..

Regardless of circumstance, though, B2B lead generation delivers massive results.

Done well, it ensures a reliable stream of targeted prospective buyers who will arrive at a website configured to address and resolve their individual needs by guiding them toward information, products, or services that you offer.

Ready to achieve your lead generation goals? Speak to us today.