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The Heaton Group aims to redefine the construction industry through its unique AI Building Information Modelling (BIM) modelling software. As such a disruptive technology, they needed an online presence that would help them stand out. That’s where Digital Media Stream came in.

Client: The Heaton Group
Sector: Property
Project: Time Frame: 6 Months
Platform: HubSpot Professional

The Heaton Group original website was geared towards content for investors, so other types of users struggled to navigate and find relevant content. Visitor numbers were static and the management team wanted to increase website visitors, improve user engagement and increase lead generation.

Our contributions:

  • Buyer Persona
  • Strategy
  • Design
  • Development
  • Content

increase in organic new contacts.


increase in visit to lead conversion rate.


increase in the value of organic traffic.

Our approach

Digital Media Stream began by conducting an in-depth buyer persona study by interviewing real customers to identify their challenges, pain points and customer service expectations. From there, we analysed the feedback and overhauled the website and the content to match their customer profiles.


The results

The new conversion paths developed on the website saw leads generated by this type of marketing reaching an all-time high of 78%. This resulted in the number of new contacts generated organically over a 6 month period increase by over 250%. Meanwhile, the content marketing strategy increased our client’s blog views by a over 230% whilst at the same time, increasing website engagement levels..

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